About Us

Hello, my name is Jess. I am the Owner, Designer, Creator and all round heart of Baw Baw Candles.

After making my own candles for personal use many years ago, I had put them away on raising my twin girls and advancing our life. Fast forward 21 years and I have now added two gorgeous little boys to our family. While being at home with my sons and spending so much time working on our new home, I found I couldn't find a candle that suited my style. Out came the box that had been put away for all those years. Many tests and trials later (in learning more unique ways) I have now found my niche and am absolutely in love with what has now become Baw Baw Candles.

Completely hand poured, labeled and packed by myself in Yarragon, Victoria. An amazing little town situated in the beautiful Gippsland Region. Every candle is something that I am proud to produce, and hope you enjoy your Baw Baw Candles.

I strongly believe that a chandler never stops learning or evolving so I very much welcome and appreciate any feedback or suggestions.

Lastly, I hope you fall in love with Baw Baw Candles, and enjoy the range on offer as much as I enjoy making them.